
Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Whakapapa boards.

1.First we had to practice our drawing on a piece of paper we  had to do a digsin on that piece of paper to move on our boards.

2.Then we had to color our paper so we can color our boards just the way we done it so it can be great so everyone can see.

3.Then we moved on to our boards we had to copy the patterns on our paper it toke us a long time to make it took us week and week to finish.

4. We had to do three patterns on our boards it was so great when we done everyone was looking great so we drawn and drawn.

5.Then it was time for us to paint there were lots of color we mix color to nice color's it was very cool painting.

6.Then we had to draw the out line's for our boards it was so cool drawing the out line of our boards some people was away so we had to do some of there's

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