
Thursday, 27 June 2013

This Is My Story About Are Monkey

One day  Jordan the monkey  was playing hide and seek.  Then he was locked inside the classroom. He was  asleep inside the net book room and  then he woke up and then tried to break the  window  but he could not  break it .

But he tried to open the door it could  not open. He was crying he was sad and lonely  
he went to play on the computer. But he didn't know the password so he had to go back to sleep again he heard a noise it was the  teacher.  His teacher name was Miss Paris.

He said “You locked me in the classroom”. Miss Paris said no and Jordan the monkey said “yes when I was playing hide and seek”  and Miss Paris said “Oh OK I didn't know” Jordan the monkey  said “I am sure you knew that I was in the  classroom, you locked me inside and i was starving to death”.

Miss Paris said  “Ok I was planning  to leave you Jordan the monkey because you are always noisy and naughty  to me and always angry, can't you be nice to me? Jordan the monkey said “ OK this time I won't be naughty to you ok”. So Miss Paris and Jordan the Monkey were very happy.


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